Collagen: A Natural Protein With Relief For Arthritis Sufferers

Collagen: A Natural Protein

As we age, we notice lines on our forehead, at the sides of our mouth; wrinkles and laugh lines, which are one of the things we don’t want on our face. Also, we feel aches and pains especially in our joints. 

It is not about we want to hide our age, it’s just that these make us feel not so good about ourselves. Aging is inevitable; all of us will go through the same process. However, there are ways and means to slow down this process, but first we should understand the aging process and its mechanism. 

Starting at the age of 25, our body tends to produce a lesser amount of collagen – about 15 % less every year. Collagen is a natural protein that is the main component of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, and the main protein component of bones and teeth. 

Along with soft keratin, it is accountable for skin potency and elasticity, and the dilapidation of skin which leads to wrinkles that come with aging. 

The way our skin looks is directly related to the way our skin is supported. In the mid layer of skin, called dermis, collagen is made by fibroblast cells; it forms a fibrous network on which new cells can grow. 

It strengthens blood vessels and plays a role in tissue development. This is why broken bones can regenerate and wounds can heal. It is present in the cornea and lens of the eye in crystalline form. This is also used in cosmetic surgery and burns surgery. 

Collagen treatment or Replacement Therapy efficiently takes away most signs of aging and brings back your youthful face once again. 

The natural appearance of your skin may be enhanced as the curve of the support structure is restored. Depending on the amount of sun damage, age, and skin condition, the treatment program will be tailored to incorporate your individual needs. 

The collagen in human skin is very much alike to the one found in certain animals. As a result, animal collagen has many medical applications. Heat valves used during surgery are also made of collagen. 

Injectable bovine collagen is made of sterile, purified collagen from cow’s skin. Human collagen implants are highly purified and isolated from human skin grown in a laboratory.  

Skin cells are grown primarily to manufacture living skin-equivalents needed for treating burns and ulcers.  

Collagen has been extensively used in cosmetic surgery and certain skin substitutes for burns patients. 

And it is good to know that there is therapy for burns cases. Just imagine what will happen to these patients if no remedy can be done to improve their situation? 

But, the cosmetic use of collagen is on the way out because there is a fairly high rate of allergic reactions causing protracted redness and these reactions require noticeable patch testing prior to cosmetic use. Also, most medical collagen is derived from cows, posing the risk of transmitting diseases.  The patient’s own fat or hyaluronic acid is readily available as a substitute for collagen.

Collagens are still in use in the construction of artificial skin substitutes used in the management of severe burns. These may be bovine or porcine and are used in combination with silicones, glycosaminoglycans, fibroblasts, growth factors, and other substances. 

Ready to Get Healthy?

Collagen Pills for Arthritis Safe and Effective

Arthritis does not choose age, it can occur to anybody at any age starting 25-50years old. That is why pills for arthritis are becoming a huge business in the prescription world, and oddly are also sharing the largest share of problems nowadays. 

With patients reporting side effects from stomach disorders to heart valve failure, popular and common prescription pills for arthritis are being pulled from the market almost everyday, leaving arthritis sufferers questioning what is left for them to take to relieve their pain. 

Alternative treatments for arthritis pain using supplements are becoming more popular lately for the reason that they have fewer side effects and are usually affordable and more effective than traditional treatments. 

One of the most talked about remedies has been the use of collagen pills for arthritis. 

Collagen is very important to joint health, yet most people tend to associate it with anti-wrinkle treatment. Certain types of arthritis can trigger the cartilage in joints to lose its flexibility and sooner or later begin to wear down in the areas that do the most movements, such as knees, ankles, and wrists. 

The cartilage that is found in joints is made up of four basic substances which include proteoglycans, chondrocytes, water and collagen. 

Collagen is not only a key component of building and strengthening cartilage, it is also found in the surrounding tendons, and produces a literal framework that accommodates the other components of cartilage. 

Taking collagen pills for arthritis works better than taking prescription pills, for the reason, that instead of reducing the pain, they stimulate the rebuilding of lost cartilage and create a long lasting result.

There are two collagen types used in pills for arthritis, Type I collagen and Type II collagen. Type I collagen restores cartilage, therefore, reducing the pain and stiffness caused by the breakdown of these vital tissues and also improves mobility of the joints as new cartilage is made. 

Type II collagen is actually the protein that is lost in the stiffening and breakdown process, which is why it is important for arthritis patients to take collagen Type II supplements to ensure that collagen Type I has something to build on. 

Anyone who is suffering from the devastating pain that arthritis brings about, it is important to find safe and effective pills for arthritis. 

Studies and the resulting evidence show that collagen pills for arthritis are absolutely the first step going to the direction of finding a cure for arthritis. 

One of the known collagen pills for arthritis is Arthrit-Eze, which contains all of natural arthritis relieving nutrients, and other special components to help lessen inflammation, swelling, and stiffness, as well as  protect the joints and long lasting pain relief.

Dr. Camille McClellan, MD, DNM, MBS
Naturopathic practitioner
McClellan Natural Health, Wellness & Nutrition
Free Naturopathic/Homeopathic Consults Available

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