Category: News

Toning the Vagus Nerve to Eliminate Inflammation

What is vagus nerve and vagal tone? Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial nerve (largest nerve of the body) which has mixed functions (both sensory and motor).  Sensory functions of the vagus nerve include: Signaling the details of sound, taste, sight, and smell from the body to the brain. Whereas motor functions are: Control of different glands and muscles of the body.  Vagal Tone: Vagal tone refers to a parasympathetic activity (branch of the autonomic nervous system) of the nerve inducing relaxational effects by: Conservation of energy Slowing down of heart rate Relaxation of muscles in GIT (gastrointestinal tract) Increasing the activity of glands and intestines. Effects of vagal tone: Vagal tone is very crucial to body functioning and health.…

5 Steps to Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Women are taking their health into their hands which stands for something today. You’re looking for something more meaning in your life. Through personal empowerment we are finally looking deeper into our hearts, listening to our inner voice and desiring more. The areas in your life that you’ve paved for yourself has opened up so much joy and abundance. However, when examining the deeper parts of our brain we can value and really appreciate the mind and its vast complexity.  You can actually reprogramme to work in your favor.  According to modern cellular biologist of our time, Bruce H. Lipton states that when your conscious mind is no longer in control it goes deep within. This is part of how…

Important Qualities of Anise Hyssop

This international herb, Anise Hyssop (Agastache Foeniculum)  is a member of the Lamiaceae or mint family. It’s not only has culinary qualities but it also has medicinal and decorative qualities which makes this herb shine in all three areas. Anise Hyssop has a wonderful licorice scent. It’s color is a lavender shade with flowers of cylindrical shape. It is a short-lived perennial that grows mainly in the Upper Midwest and Great Plains into Canada. Anise Hyssop is a clump forming plant that generally grows 2 – 4 feet tall and about 1-3 feet wide.  Anise Hyssop’s medicinal qualities include digestive support, strengthening the respiratory system and supporting the immune and nervous system. It can also help with sleep, wound healing,…

Impactful & Powerful Holistic Health Tips: For The Root Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

When you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome you’re always waking up every morning hoping you’re going to feel your best in order to function optimally daily. Does this sound like you? If it does then this is a great blog to read, especially if you’re in need of natural approaches to chronic fatigue syndrome. Those who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome often feel difficulty walking out from their bed. The symptoms of chronic fatigue can drag on for hours at a time including the entire day week or month. Many sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome or woman set express their symptoms. Some of these symptoms can be is signal ahead of time before the gradual onset of full blown chronic…

A Powerful Functional Medicine Approach for Your Weight loss Solutions

When you’re leading a busy life like so many of us are, we can’t help but become overwhelmed and stressed to the maximum limit our body allows until there are obvious negative symptoms that arise. What we don’t realize is being overworked and stressed out regularly often leads to hormonal imbalance, weight gain and chronic diseases. These metabolic changes occurs when we neglect to support our body with the essential important nutrients to live a balanced lifestyle. These changes often occurs when our hormones which includes estrogen, cortisol, testosterone, adrenaline, oxytocin, vasopressin and DHEA begins to fluctuate over time. Often these stressors can be either emotional, mental or physical. Stressors can occur due to a lack of sleep, relationship issues,…