In spite of being a constituent in products commonly used for energy, caffeine over-stimulates the adrenal glands, which only causes the illusion of an increase in energy due to increasing the hormone adrenaline. Over time, excessive use of caffeinated substances will cause an adrenal addiction and the glands will produce less adrenaline naturally until they no longer produce at all, which will lead to permanent fatigue since the adrenals are not known to regenerate. Those addicted to caffeine are on a dangerous downhill slope and need to take decisive action because it will only get harder to recover later. Naturally with everyone having to run around as a ‘human doing’ rather than as a ‘human being’ just to make ends…
Tag: Adrenaline
5 Ways to Relieve Migraine Headaches Naturally!
Most people just take a pain pill, but how safe is that? If you are worried about taking potentially dangerous medications for your migraine headaches maybe you should try one of the many safe and effective natural approaches that are available today. There are many new migraine headache treatments available that can be both safe and effective. Natural treatments for migraine headaches are usually safer and cheaper than traditional pain medications. And in many instances they can relieve pain just as well or even better than prescription or non-prescription drugs. The possibility of a negative reaction to a safe and natural migraine headache treatment is still there, but it is less with most natural treatment methods than it is with…