Category: Blog

The Essential Therapeutic Benefits of Essential Oils

There are many therapeutic benefits of essential oils. Derived from the essence of plants, a few drops of aromatherapy essential oil produce the same effect as loads of the plant. This article has described essential oils and their properties, dealing with the ways in which essential oils can be used for maximum benefit. Additionally, a checklist for the people who are planning to buy essential oils has been given in the article. The use of essential oils, which is derived from the pure essence of a plant, is not new. Though the term aromatherapy was coined only in the 1920s (by Gattefossé in 1928), people knew of aromatherapy essential oils from the prehistoric times. Starting from the Chinese to Egyptian,…

How to Fight Candida Infections the Most Natural Way Possible

Candida is a type of fungus which lives in our body. Yeast infection happens when Candida grows too much in the body system. The good bacteria in your body keeps the yeast from overgrowth. However, when you consume medication such as antibiotics, it kills the good bacteria thereby allowing the yeast to grow out of control. Yeast infection affects mostly women in the age group of  between 16 and 35. Some of the symptoms to help identify this infection are: burning feeling when urinating feel itchy and irritating around the vaginal area white cheesy discharge from vagina Anything that changes the acidity in the vaginal area and kills the good bacteria can encourage the yeast to grow at a faster…

5 Ways to Relieve Migraine Headaches Naturally!

Most people just take a pain pill, but how safe is that? If you are worried about taking potentially dangerous medications for your migraine headaches maybe you should try one of the many safe and effective natural approaches that are available today. There are many new migraine headache treatments available that can be both safe and effective. Natural treatments for migraine headaches are usually safer and cheaper than traditional pain medications. And in many instances they can relieve pain just as well or even better than prescription or non-prescription drugs. The possibility of a negative reaction to a safe and natural migraine headache treatment is still there, but it is less with most natural treatment methods than it is with…

Women’s Health & Wellness: How to Maintain Normal Estrogen Levels

Estrogen is the most essential hormone in the body in women. Estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which is responsible for the physical appearance that distinguishes women from men. It gives the identifying figures of women, which are smaller hips, bigger chest as well as menstruation.  Estrogen is also essential to normal body function, which is why women should maintain normal estrogen levels in the body. Old age can be one of the reasons why women experience irregular estrogen production. Usually, when women reach old age, their body can no longer produce normal estrogen, which may lead to some bothering body malfunctions. Most of the women develop body irregularities due to inadequate production of estrogen. However, women should supply their…

Antioxidant-Rich Food and Their Healthy Benefits

Antioxidant and Free Radicals What are free radicals? Why are they damaging to the human body? And how does vitamin E and the other antioxidant nutrients help protect the body against free radical damage? In this article, we will attempt to answer all your questions about antioxidant and free radicals, plus help you understand why it is so important to include rich sources of antioxidant nutrients in your daily diet. A Little Background on Chemical Bonding When talking about antioxidant and free radicals, we can’t help but touch a little on biochemistry. You probably remember from your old high school days that the human body is composed of many different cells and each cell is composed of many different molecules.…