Tag: Aging

Free Radicals: The Benefits of Antioxidants & Highly Sourced Foods that Fight Aging

Ever wondered how you get all those wrinkles? Those annoying crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes? Or those laugh lines around your mouth?  Sure, these things are but part of the normal aging process. But what causes aging anyway? And is there anyway to retard it? In biological systems, the normal processes of oxidation are what lead to aging. Oxidation causes the production of substances called free radicals which are highly reactive.  These free radicals can readily react with and damage other molecules. Note that it says “molecules” so that means free radicals don’t make the distinction between foreign bodies and healthy cells.  And when free radicals start attacking the body’s own cells, you can guess what the…

The Importance of Quality Healthy Aging

From the day we are all born, we age everyday. As a young person, we don’t think about the later years in our life. We live in a very fast pace world today and it causes a lot of stress in our lives and as time goes on, the stress will affect us increasingly. Everyone young and old, we all need to take care of our bodies and minds. By taking care of ourselves, it keeps us thinking, moving and helps prevent major illnesses such as cancer and many other diseases.  We all have to work at keeping ourselves healthy and there is no better time than right now. The younger you start taking care of yourself the better it…