Tag: Diet And Nutrition

When to Take Supplements

I get the question a lot. And the answer lies in my One Basic Concept for Longevity blog, which, if you haven’t read yet, proceed no further until you have. Vitamins D3 and K2 Well, when did our ancestors get their vitamins D3 and K2? Everyone knows that the best way to get vitamin D is through exposure to sunlight. It follows that since our ancestors obtained their vitamin D by being outside in the daytime, I recommend that vitamin D supplementation occur in the mornings and/or at lunch time. I usually do not recommend that vitamin D be taken with dinner, as it may fool the body into thinking that it’s mid-day, and therefore prevent adequate sleep later. As…

Women’s Holistic Wellness: Healthy Habits for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain syndrome, characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and specific tender areas of soft tissue.  It is often difficult to diagnose, due to the lack of a specific laboratory test, but it is estimated that there are 3-6 million fibromyalgia sufferers in the US alone. The causes of FM are still unclear, though recent studies have theorized that it may arise following a period of trauma, illness, or following a period of environmental or emotional stress; and there is some speculation on whether there may be some genetic susceptibility.  Though there is no known racial or age predisposition to FM, it does seem to originate in patients between the ages of 20…