Category: Blog

4 Essential Ways to Revitalize the Body with a Detox

The environment is full of chemicals, pollutants, allergens and other various types of toxins that can cause illness including autoimmune and other chronic diseases. When you eat the standard American diet that is not rich in nutrients this can affect the body’s ability to remove toxic substances for the body over time. Certain unsustainable foods lacking in nutrition substance can affect the body’s detoxification process. Other environmental properties including the unpurified water you drink and the air you breathe creates a foreign environment in the body that can create many vague or obvious symptoms that can eventually lead to more serious complications. When the body is loaded with toxins many of the organs are affected in many ways. This creates…

4 Herbs for Adrenal Fatigue for Women with Autoimmune or other Chronic Conditions

In our fast-moving world where everyone is always caught up with work, family, relationships, or studies, phrases like exhausted and stressed out are not unusual. You may have seen people blame their anxiety, depression, low energy, insomnia, mood swings, and brain fog on burnout. But the fact is that prolonged stress can be the reason behind all these symptoms. While some stress is healthy to keep your immune system in its optimal shape, chronic stress can lead to a plethora of health issues, like autoimmune conditions, heart diseases, and diabetes. The term “adrenal fatigue” was recently coined to refer to these symptoms of chronic stress. According to the adrenal fatigue theorists, persistent exposure to stress can cause a reduction in…

An Integrative Approach to Dealing with IBS Naturally

Any condition, disorder, disease and syndrome with an unknown cause are almost lacking of an effective way to manage the condition. The best resolution though is to help relieve or eliminate the symptoms to suppress the condition. But this does not imply that the condition is already treated. Only, the symptoms are for the moment, subside. This condition applies to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. While many cases have been studied by the medical and scientific communities, the subject still lead us no near to any cure. And so we are left with making the most of the resources available to us. Some facets of the disease’s nature though has been discovered. For instance, we all know that the intestinal tract regularly…

Managing and Coping With Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are often treated using specific methods and techniques designed to target symptoms and develop coping mechanisms for the anxiety triggers. Knowing which method to use in the treatment largely depends on the kind of disorder a person has. This article provides insights on the most common forms of anxiety disorders and the therapies used for these particular anxiety disorders. Anxiety is a common occurrence when a person faces potentially problematic or dangerous situations. It is also felt when a person perceives an external threat. However, chronic and irrational anxiety can lead to a form of anxiety disorder. There are different types of anxiety disorder depending on their causes or triggers. Common forms of anxiety disorders Generalized anxiety disorderA…

Top Secrets for Collagen Production & Anti-aging Effects

As we age, we notice lines on our forehead, at the sides of our mouth; wrinkles and laugh lines, which are one of the things we don’t want on our face. Also, we feel aches and pains especially in our joints. It is not about we want to hide our age, it’s just that these make us feel not so good about ourselves. Aging is inevitable; all of us will go through the same process. However, there are ways and means to slow down this process, but first we should understand the aging process and its mechanism. Starting at the age of 25, our body tends to produce lesser amount of collagen – about 15 % less every year. Collagen…