Tag: Immune system

How to Build Up Your Immune System with Autoimmune & Other Chronic Diseases

What Exactly Does The Immune System Do? The immune system is an amazing blessing to all humans. It allows the ability to ward off and fight against infections that might otherwise kill us. When we take a deep dive into standard medicine and how it looks at the human body we can begin to see the difference in underlying conditions related to individuals across the nation. There is certainly a clear reason why so many women today are riddled with diseases and can’t seem to get to the root of their underlying conditions that started their disease in the first place.  The

The Mystery of Food Allergies & What Causes Them

The first thing we need to understand is what an allergy is.  An allergy is a reaction to something outside the body that the body itself feels is a threat to it.  More specifically, this is the immune system.   The truth of the matter is, everybody has allergies in as much as the body is always going to view outside agents such as pollen, grass, weeds, and even foods as invaders.   The difference between someone who “suffers” from allergies and someone who doesn’t is the degree to which the body reacts or in the case of sufferers, overreacts to the allergen.   For example, let’s take hay fever season where the pollen count is especially high and have two people walk…

The Essential Maintenance Of Health: Vitamin D

Probably 50% or more of the population is vitamin D deficient. Why? Because most of us do not spend enough time outside to accumulate sufficient amounts of this crucially important substance.  Vitamin D (which is actually more of a proto-hormone) is absolutely essential for proper calcium and phosphorous absorption, and is also thought to be protective against multiple diseases such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.  The correct regulation of calcium and phosphorus makes for strong bones and teeth, while the protection against disease also suggests a positive effect on cellular mitochondria – the manufacturers of energy throughout every cell in your body.  Vitamin D also supports good cardiovascular health, so what’s not to love about this health-promoting…

Decrease Your Risk: Simple Steps to Avoid and Prevent Common Cancers

With its fairly unique characteristics, cancer strikes intense fear in many people and all would like to find ways to prevent and avoid cancer. Obviously, any disease that is a) fatal, b) incurable and c) derived from unknown causes will earn a position of esteemed concern among the general public. The faulty basis regarding the incurability of cancer is something you will find in my most recent book, but for now let us acknowledge that most people believe this to be true. Cancer is a unique illness, in that it is created within our cells, by our cells. Damaged DNA causes a cell to divide without limits, producing more cells with damaged DNA that divide without limits.  Soon, the cells…