Day: February 5, 2020

Natural Solutions to Pain and Inflammation around Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a very difficult condition to diagnose and to pinpoint exactly what is the root cause of the symptoms, especially when the individual has more than one symptom or chronic condition. If you suffer from fibromyalgia you’re more likely to also suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or another autoimmune condition. The main issue is that the root of the cause is never really identified and most sufferers tend to be women who are constantly turned away at doctor’s offices with their questions unanswered. One of the most common symptoms of this condition is generalized pain throughout the body. Pain can be an ache, throbbing pain, stabbing pain or burning sensation that is felt throughout the entire body, especially in…

3 Simple Shifts to Turn Negative Thoughts Positive, and Live a More Meaningful Life

There are countless ways to go down the rabbit hole, spiraling all the way down and never recovering. In alternative medicine, this is actually related to physical, emotional and mental health and well-being. This type of spiral can affect who we are on a physical level, and is why diseases develop when we suffer grief or some other painful situation or trauma. I went into alternative medicine because it focuses on the emotional and mental aspects of who we really are. Your emotional health is important for overall wellness. I can relate to this from my own experiences during my medical rotations as a student. After I graduated, I realized how important the emotional aspect was from a general health…

5 Simple Steps to Start Fighting Chronic Disease & Inflammation

Be Proactive with Your Health When you’ve decided once and for all that you can beat this, you become proactive. Taking responsibility for your health is the most valuable step to improving your health concerns. The best way to take bold action is to dive deep into your soul and think about what makes you feel happy and alive. Does a simple yoga or Pilates routine bring fire to your life? Or what about getting outside and feeling the sun on your skin – does this not feel great? Taking control of your health is not only being proactive with it – it’s doing your homework when it comes to seeking out the right type of health care that is…

5 Natural Herbs to Help Fight Chronic Fatigue Daily

What Exactly Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been a problem for many women, and for a long time. In fact, women suffer for it far more than men do. The harmful side effects are often seen by many doctors, practitioners and other health professionals all over the world. This condition touches the lives of millions of women that can’t seem to get the proper health care to treat their symptoms. There is a small (but growing) percentage of the population that often goes into depression, riddled with anxiety and unsure of how their lives will unfold daily as a result of this condition. There is, unfortunately, no known cause for the syndrome as yet. Many health professionals…

Top Anti-Aging Solutions to Repair Muscle & Bone for Chronic Pain Relief

For most people in the world chronic pain is the major issue that suffers worldwide must deal with often. For most it is a financial and social burden that is put upon them due to a lack of support in the medical field and social circles. Since chronic pain comes with a plethora of possible triggers it is often very difficult to pinpoint the exact reasons as to what is the root cause of one’s chronic pain, inflammation, causes and response to healing time. Changes in muscle and bones can be due to age, race, genetics, weight gain, prior injuries, including a reduced intolerance to exercise. These changes may be due to a reduction in muscle fibers in tissue or…