5 Simple Steps to Start Fighting Chronic Disease & Inflammation

Be Proactive with Your Health

When you’ve decided once and for all that you can beat this, you become proactive. Taking responsibility for your health is the most valuable step to improving your health concerns. The best way to take bold action is to dive deep into your soul and think about what makes you feel happy and alive. Does a simple yoga or Pilates routine bring fire to your life? Or what about getting outside and feeling the sun on your skin – does this not feel great?

Taking control of your health is not only being proactive with it – it’s doing your homework when it comes to seeking out the right type of health care that is unique for your health concerns. Think about what your beliefs are.

Do you want to pop pills for the rest of your life, or would you much rather focus on your health by incorporating natural foods combined with holistic care to try to overcome challenges before they arise? Your body wants to achieve a state of natural equilibrium, and integrative natural health combined with functional nutrition can help get you there!

Stay Positive

This is a lot easier said than done, and I know this from experience. However, many studies are coming out everyday showing the importance of positivity and how it can really make an impact on your health. Chronic illness in something that is a force to be reckoned with, and if you’ve already given into negative thought patterns, you’ve lost half the battle before it even began.

There is no better time than today than to seize the moment and take hold of your emotional and spiritual well being. Did you know that thinking negatively can actually increase your chances of prolonging or aggravating your symptoms? So turn off that negative tune that has been playing in your ears for years. Reframe your mindset and start truly believing that you can lead a better and more meaningful life that has purpose and direction!

Change Your Diet, Now

This may also seem difficult to put into action. Many clients come to me thinking that they’re eating healthy, but unknowingly consuming foods that aggravate their symptoms. Without curtailing this common problem, you will continue on a downward spiral.

“Cheat days” are mistakenly thought to be ok, but the fact of the matter is: the more you cheat with foods that perpetuate your symptoms, the less you see positive results in your health and wellness. You MUST eliminate or at least reduce the number of your cheat days.

Think about turning healthy habits into a hobby. Willpower is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Strengthening your willpower can become a constant part of your life, even without thinking about it. Before too long, you will crave healthy foods and snacks over unhealthy ones.

Then your lifestyle becomes an interesting, healthy hobby rather than a boring chore. Creating a lifestyle around your daily life can be beneficial by implementing fun ways of incorporating healthy foods into your daily meals. Once you begin to do this, you start turning the tide of your health in a positive direction, and winning the battle!

Homeopathy for you Health Concerns

Homeopathy is a fascinating alternative medicine. It has no side effects and it’s quite inexpensive. Rather than spending loads of cash on regular medications, you can get homeopathic remedies that help your immune system fight chronic illness naturally. With an experienced Homeopath, your remedies are carefully selected and suited to your own individual circumstances and symptoms.

Many people are choosing this form of alternative care over others, since homeopathy is very gentle on the body. Discover homeopathy and its powerful ways to effectively prevent and fight your health problems.

Botanicals: A Fantastic Natural Alternative

This entirely natural, plant-based modality takes the stems, flower and/or root of the plant and provides a strong potent tincture specific to your conditions. Botanicals are often preserved in a solution of alcohol (called Tinctures), helping to add shelf life for a long-lasting health product.

Botanical medicines work very differently than homeopathic remedies since their vibrational energies are not based on succions and dilutions. However, once the right one is chosen, they can provide very positive and powerful effects!

Find out more about alternative health and Primal nutrition on our blog. We believe in empowering women to take control of their health, naturally. Long gone are the days of researching books and libraries, or experimenting with word-of-mouth, trial-and-error home remedies.

There are now many alternative options for those suffering from chronic health problems. If this is something that you’ve desired for quite some time, then take that first bold step now. We are here to support you with holistic care, and will help you take control and reclaim your health, naturally!

Take some message: It is interesting to see the number of people that dabble into YouTube, Google, natural resources such as books and free Facebook groups. however, I Still observed how many women are still struggling with that chronic conditions after constantly searching 4 alternatives and not getting they’re true results that the desire.

An individualized specialized plan is a great way to really maximize your efforts when it comes to taking really improving your health on all levels. Take the opportunity to get on a call let’s work together on finally seeing the results to really desire. Book your consultation today: www.bit.ly/MNHsession.

Camille McClellan, MD, DNM, MBS
Naturopathic practitioner
McClellan Natural Health, Wellness & Nutrition
Free Naturopathic/Homeopathic Consults Available

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