Category: News

The Mystery of Food Allergies & What Causes Them

The first thing we need to understand is what an allergy is.  An allergy is a reaction to something outside the body that the body itself feels is a threat to it.  More specifically, this is the immune system.   The truth of the matter is, everybody has allergies in as much as the body is always going to view outside agents such as pollen, grass, weeds, and even foods as invaders.   The difference between someone who “suffers” from allergies and someone who doesn’t is the degree to which the body reacts or in the case of sufferers, overreacts to the allergen.   For example, let’s take hay fever season where the pollen count is especially high and have two people walk…

The Essential Maintenance Of Health: Vitamin D

Probably 50% or more of the population is vitamin D deficient. Why? Because most of us do not spend enough time outside to accumulate sufficient amounts of this crucially important substance.  Vitamin D (which is actually more of a proto-hormone) is absolutely essential for proper calcium and phosphorous absorption, and is also thought to be protective against multiple diseases such as cancer, type 1 diabetes, and multiple sclerosis.  The correct regulation of calcium and phosphorus makes for strong bones and teeth, while the protection against disease also suggests a positive effect on cellular mitochondria – the manufacturers of energy throughout every cell in your body.  Vitamin D also supports good cardiovascular health, so what’s not to love about this health-promoting…

Detoxification: 5 Simple and Effective Ways to Detox Naturally

Detoxification & chronic illness When people have chronic illness many times the body begins to accumulate various waste products in the blood and the vital organs. This may cause the liver function to become below optimal levels. The benefits of detoxification related to chronic illness can help lighten the toxic load that is generated over time.  The results of a good detoxification program will improve many of your symptoms which include insomnia, fatigue, problems concentrating and lack of clarity. Here are some  major signs that your body really needs a detox: 1. Low energy 2.Fatigue 3. Sugar cravings 4. Weight gain 5. Colds and flu symptoms 6. Skin conditions 7. Headaches 8. Lack of mental clarity 9. Depression, anxiety 10.…

Vital Health – One of the Benefits of Homeopathy

As with most drug therapies, antibiotics treat the symptoms of an illness. The antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause disease, but the sad state of affairs is that the overuse of antibiotics has made them less effective in fighting bacteria.  The concern is that with the repeated doses of antibiotics, they have become less effective and they often even have negative side effects.  Certainly if you are taking these kinds of medications, it is imperative to supplement your diet with natural remedies such as vitamin C and live yogurt to supply essential bacteria. Learn about the benefits of homeopathy, especially how it supports vital health! HELP FROM NATURE The aim and benefits of classical homeopathy treatments are to simply empower…

“Alternative” Medicine Should Be PRIMARY

It never ceases to amaze me how today’s standard healthcare system – funded in no small part by pharmaceutical giants – has managed to turn prescription drug dispensement into what is currently known as “primary care.”   You see it everywhere, and I’ve already written about it in a prior blog post.  Again, I’m no conspiracy theorist and I honestly do NOT believe that such corporations are inherently evil.   Prescription drugs have their place in modern medicine, and we all owe a tip of the cap to scientific advancement in the world of human health, for reasons that I don’t believe I need to enumerate for you. That said, these enormous drug manufacturers hold such power in the world of modern…