Tag: Stress

Anxiety, Panic and Stress and Coping Techniques

Anxiety, Panic and Stress Anxiety is a physiological state that’s caused by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). SNS is always active at the base level (called sympathetic tone) and becomes more active in stressful situations.  The “flight or fight” response occurs from here. Anxiety doesn’t need an outside influence too often based on irrational or illogical fears. Panic is related to the “fight or flight” mechanism. It’s a reaction brought on by outside stimulus and is a product of the sympathetic nervous system.  Panic in general is a sudden fear that can dominate or replace our thinking.  Panic usually occurs in a situation that is perceived to be health or life threatening. Panic is an anxiety state we’re thinking about.…

A Fundamental Blueprint for Coping with Stress

Keys to Coping:  A Blueprint for Stress Management You sit with your hands clutched to the steering wheel, your stress level rising by the minute.  You have exactly ten minutes before you have to get to the daycare center, and there’s an accident blocking traffic.   After you pick up Jolene, you’ll have to go to the supermarket, the dry cleaner, and the library.   Then it’s time to rush home for dinner, bathe Jolene, put her to bed, then collapse onto your bed. You may find that your days are highly stressful—and your nights might be as well.  The good news is that there are techniques you can use in order to bring your stress level under control.  One of these…

Insomnia Causes and Effects During Stress

Steps To Help Your Insomnia Insomnia is a whole lot more than your body telling you that you have had enough sleep. Actually, insomnia is your body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong.  Insomnia is different in each person, some just can not fall asleep, others wake in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back asleep, and some just wake up much too early.  There can be various reasons, perhaps you are drinking too much caffeine, maybe you suffer from anxiety and depression, maybe you have some conflict or inner struggles in your life, or maybe you are in pain from migraines or arthritis. Whatever the case, there is a problem that needs…